SUA Model Training Farm was established to increase the diversity of quality teaching, research, field hands on exercises and outreach, and make coordinated efforts in managing crops and animal training units at SUA.   The Unit is coordinated at the college level, to give opportunity for all units and respective departments under the College of Agriculture (CoA) to complement each other in the provision of quality training on crops and animal husbandry for the benefits of the entire University.   The model training farm initiatives was build on the ongoing course review in various departments that aim at allocating more time to students for hands on activities.

The main objective of the Model Training Farm is to produce quality graduates with adequate hands-on skills for employment in the labour market while the specific objectives of the Model Training Farm are to:

  1. Offer practical training to undergraduate and postgraduate students
  2.  Generate income through production and marketing of agricultural products and training fees
  3.  Incubate new technologies generated by the University
  4.  Host students Entrepreneurs and professional associations
  5.  Provide state of the art field research and consultancy facility for students, staff and the general public
  6.  D emonstrate proven agricultural technologies to general public
  7.  Conserve germplasm and promotion of endangered species and orphan crops

For more information on model training farm click here.